Important GK Basic Computer MCQ for Competitive Exams

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Computer GK for Competitive Exams with Answers

Welcome to Daily Employment News. In this informative post you will get to know Computer Basics GK Questions and also their answers. We hope this important computer knowledge will help you improve your general knowledge that will help you in you you competitive exams.

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We have tried to cover 20 of the best and Basic computer MCQ Questions in today’s Post. We have included some best important computer aptitude questions that could also help students in their increasing their their GK.

Computer GK for Competitive Exams

Solve these basic computer knowledge for beginners and check your answers. 

Who is known as the father of the computer?

a) Charles Babbage
b) Alan Turing
c) John von Neumann
d) Bill Gates

Answer: a) Charles Babbage

What does CPU stand for?

a) Central Processing Unit
b) Computer Personal Unit
c) Central Performance Unit
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Central Processing Unit

Which of the following is NOT an input device?

a) Keyboard
b) Mouse
c) Monitor
d) Scanner

Answer: c) Monitor

Which device is used to display the output from a computer?

a) Speaker
b) Monitor
c) Printer
d) Scanner

Answer: b) Monitor

What does RAM stand for?

a) Read Access Memory
b) Random Access Memory
c) Run Access Memory
d) None of the above

Answer: b) Random Access Memory

The process of starting or restarting a computer is called:

a) Booting
b) Encoding
c) Saving
d) Exiting

Answer: b) Random Access Memory

Which of the following is NOT an operating system?

a) Linux
b) Oracle
c) Windows
d) macOS

Answer:b) Oracle

MS Word is an example of:

a) An operating system
b) A processing device
c) Application software
d) An input device

Answer: c) Application software

Which of the following stores more data than a DVD?

a) CD
b) Floppy disk
c) Blu-ray disk
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Blu-ray disk

The default file extension for a Microsoft Word document is:

a) .txt
b) .docx
c) .xlsx
d) .pptx

Answer: b) .docx

Top 10 Computer GK Questions with Answers

Here are some best basic computer knowledge for students hope these will help you in learning. 

What is the full form of HTML?

a) Hyper Trainer Marking Language
b) Hyper Text Markup Language
c) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
d) None of the above

Answer: b) Hyper Text Markup Language

Which of the following is a search engine?

a) Microsoft Word
b) Windows
c) Google
d) Internet Explorer

Answer: c) Google

The main directory of a disk is called:

a) Folder
b) Root directory
c) Subdirectory
d) Home page

Answer: b) Root directory

HTTP stands for:

a) HyperText Transfer Protocol
b) HyperText Transmission Protocol
c) HyperText Transfer Plot
d) None of the above

Answer: a) HyperText Transfer Protocol

A group of 8 bits is called:

a) Byte
b) Kilobyte
c) Bit
d) Megabyte

Answer: a) Byte

Which extension refers to a video file?

a) .mp3
b) .jpeg
c) .mp4
d) .docx

Answer: c) .mp4

Which of the following is a feature of RAM?

a) Non-volatile
b) Volatile
c) Slow data access
d) Permanent storage

Answer:b) Volatile

The brain of any computer system is:

a) ALU
b) Memory
c) CPU
d) Control unit

Answer: c) CPU

Which among the following is considered to be the biggest network?

a) LAN
b) WAN
c) MAN
d) PAN

Answer: b) WAN

Which protocol is used to send emails?

c) POP3
d) FTP

Answer: a) SMTP

Computer GK Quiz Online for Students

URL stands for:

a) Uniform Resource Locator
b) Uniform Resource Link
c) Uniform Registered Link
d) Unified Resource Link

Answer: a) Uniform Resource Locator

Which of the following is not a type of computer network?

a) CAN
b) LAN
c) FAN
d) MAN

Answer: c) FAN

Which part of the computer helps in storing data?

a) Motherboard
b) Hard Disk
c) RAM
d) CPU

Answer: b) Hard Disk

The first page of a website is called:

a) Homepage
b) Browser page
c) Search page
d) Bookmark

Answer: a) Homepage

Which file starts MS Word?

a) winword.exe
b) word.exe
c) msword.exe
d) office.exe

Answer: a) winword.exe

PDF stands for:

a) Portable Document Format
b) Public Document File
c) Portable Data File
d) Public Data Format

Answer: a) Portable Document Format

Which key is used for help in most software programs?

a) F1
b) F2
c) F3
d) F4

Answer: a) F1

The ‘http’ you type at the beginning of any site’s address stands for:

a) HTML Transfer Technology Protocol
b) HyperText Transfer Protocol
c) Hyperlink Transfer Technology Protocol
d) None of the above

Answer: b) HyperText Transfer Protocol

Which among the following is a read-only memory?

a) RAM
b) ROM
c) DVD
d) Hard Disk

Answer: b) ROM

‘OS’ computer abbreviation usually means:

a) Order of Significance
b) Open Software
c) Operating System
d) Optical Sensor

Answer: c) Operating System

Who among the following is the co-founder of Microsoft?

a) Steve Jobs
b) Bill Gates
c) Elon Musk
d) Mark Zuckerberg

Answer: b) Bill Gates

In computer security, phishing is:

a) A type of fish
b) A hacking method
c) A secure network
d) A keyboard shortcut

Answer: b) A hacking method

A small picture that represents an object or program is called:

a) Icon
b) Image
c) Idea
d) Index

Answer: a) Icon

Which of the following is not a programming language?

a) Python
b) Java
c) Oracle
d) C++

Answer: c) Oracle

What is the default number of sheets in a new Microsoft Excel workbook?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: c) 3

‘.MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?

a) WordPerfect Document file
b) MS Office document
c) Animation/movie file
d) Image file

Answer: c) Animation/movie file

In Excel, what does SUM() function do?

a) Adds all the numbers in a range of cells
b) Finds the maximum number in a range
c) Finds the minimum number in a range
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Adds all the numbers in a range of cells

Linux is:

a) A computer virus
b) A software company
c) An operating system
d) A web browser

Answer: c) An operating system

What does ‘GUI’ stand for?

a) Graphical User Interface
b) General User Interaction
c) Graphical Unified Interface
d) General Unified Interface

Answer: a) Graphical User Interface

Who is considered the ‘Father of Artificial Intelligence’?

a) Alan Turing
b) Charles Babbage
c) John McCarthy
d) Elon Musk

Answer: c) John McCarthy

10 Computer Basics GK Questions for Competitive Exams

The ‘D’ in ‘CD-ROM’ stands for:

a) Disk
b) Data
c) Drive
d) Dual

Answer: a) Disk

What type of device is a computer mouse?

a) Output
b) Input
c) Storage
d) Software

Answer: b) Input

‘SQL’ stands for:

a) Structured Question Language
b) Structured Query Language
c) Simple Query Language
d) None of the above

Answer: b) Structured Query Language

Which is considered a volatile storage device?

a) Hard drive
b) SSD
c) RAM

Answer: c) RAM

What is the main function of the ALU in a computer?

a) Perform arithmetic and logical operations
b) Control the operation of the printer
c) Manage the right access of the user
d) Monitor the system performance

Answer: a) Perform arithmetic and logical operations

The extension ‘.txt’ refers to what kind of file?

a) Text file
b) Image file
c) Video file
d) Audio file

Answer: a) Text file

Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?

a) High-level language
b) Assembly language
c) Machine language
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Machine language

Which of the following is an email client?

a) Internet Explorer
b) Microsoft Outlook
c) Google Chrome
d) Microsoft Edge

Answer: b) Microsoft Outlook

‘BIOS’ stands for:

a) Basic Input Output System
b) Binary Input Output System
c) Basic Input Off System
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Basic Input Output System

What does Wi-Fi stand for?

a) Wireless Fidelity
b) Wired Fidelity
c) Wireless Found
d) Wired Found

Answer: a) Wireless Fidelity

These general knowledge on computers will help students to know more about the basics of computer that could help them in learning more about Computer further.

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